In our daily life, sometimes some weird things happen.
Super glue on the shoes is such a thing, and it is really irritating. It might not damage the shoes but can give them a bad look. It is essential to remove the glue from your shoes. But the question is, how to remove the super glue from shoes!
Well, there are several ways to do this. But the most important thing is, you can’t damage the shoes. Whichever method you are trying, it should be safe. Also, the method should be easier so that it can be done with simple tools.
Don’t worry! This post is all about removing super glue from shoes.
Methods to Remove Super Glue from Shoes
Table of Contents

Are you struggling with glue stains and don’t know how to remove super glue stains from shoes?
Just check out the methods we have shared. We have covered all kinds of shoe materials. Pick the method that matches the type of your shoes.
How to Remove Super Glue from Leather Shoes?
For leather shoes, it requires extra care. In most cases, they are expensive dress shoes, and damaging anything could cost a lot. So, what do you actually need to apply?
First of all, make sure the glue is dried on the leather. Let the glue dry out and become hard. You can apply a few ice cubes for extra care by carrying them in a zip bag. It will have hardened the glue.
Take a hairdryer and set the temperature at the lowest point. Start applying hot air directly to the glued area. It will start breaking the bonds of the glue, and it will become easier to remove. When the super glue comes off, remove it with a cotton ball. It best works if you can apply steam on the shoes.
If it is not working, increase the temperature to break the glue bonding. However, please don’t do it too harshly; it can easily damage the leather.
How to Remove Super Glue from Fabric Shoes?
Warm water and soap can be an effective solution to remove super glue or any kind of glue from the shoes. However, you can only apply them if the shoe is washable. For instance, converse shoes are washable, and you can apply the technique for them.
So, take a small bucket of warm water and then through a piece of soap. Alternatively, you can also use detergent. Prepare a mixture of soap and warm water. Now let the canvas shoes soak in water for at least 5 minutes. After that, bring out the shoes, and you will see glue coming off from the shoes. Warm water breaks the bond of super glue.
How to Remove Super Glue from Suede Shoes?
Suede leather is a popular material for loafer shoes. If you own one of the suede leather shoes and somehow got super glue on the top, follow the technique.
It requires applying heat to the area to break the glue bonding with the leather. There are two ways to apply heat to the affected area. One is applying steam, which is very effective, and the other is applying warm air. Some modern hairdryers and hair irons come with steam settings. Pick any of them, and then apply the steam on the shoe unless super glue starts melting. Once it melts, use a paper towel to wipe it off.
If there are no steam devices, use a hairdryer at its higher temperature settings. The heat will melt down super glue. Wipe down the shoe with a damp cloth.
How to Remove Super Glue from Rubber Shoes?
Rubber shoes are heat-sensitive. So, you can’t wash them with warm water or steam. The best way to remove super glue from rubber shoes is by applying nail polish remover.
Take a few cotton balls and dip them in the nail polish remover. Now apply the cotton ball on super glue and start rubbing the area. The alcohol properties of nail polish remover will break down the super glue bonding. Wipe the melted glue with a paper towel.
Frequently Asked Questions
Can I use nail polish remover to get rid of super glue from leather shoes?
Yes, you can. But there is a high chance of destroying the polish of the shoes by applying nail polish remover. So, it is better to avoid.
Can I rub sandpaper on dried super glue to remove it?
You may try sandpaper to remove the dried super glue. But it has a high risk of damaging the shoes. Try it only if the shoes are made of rubber.
How to remove super glue stains from shoes?
Apply soap and water mixture on the stain and wipe it off. If there is too much stain, use nail polish remover or rubbing alcohol on the area.
Can vinegar remove super glue from shoes?
Yes, vinegar has chemical properties that can remove super glue from different materials. Apply vinegar in small portions to see the reaction, and then go for it.
Final Words
It is now clear how to remove super glues from shoes. Follow the exact method that is recommended for a particular type of shoes. Whichever method you are following, make sure to follow it for a small area of the shoe. Make up your mind from your experiment if you should go further.