When the shoes become older, peeling off the top is common. It can destroy the whole shoe rapidly.
But you don’t want to struggle with such issues, right?
But how to prevent shoes from peeling when they are getting older? Or, is there any way to stop it?
This article is going to answer all the questions.
There are several steps you can take once the shoes start peeling. You need to choose the right one according to the material of the shoes. The method you follow for leather shoes may not work for faux leather. Check out the ways we have described below.
How to Protect Shoes from Peeling At Home
Table of Contents

To prevent shoes from peeling, you need to take multiple steps. Here we have shared the details. Check them out and next time when you are buying a new pair of shoes, keep them in mind.
Buy Pure Leather Shoes
The first thing you can do is buy a pair of pure leather shoes to avoid peeling on the top. Though pure leather shoes seem expensive, in the long run, it is going to save a lot. Genuine Leather used to be durable and long-lasting. For instance, if you are buying a new pair of dress shoes, try to invest more if it has the quality. Check the product description to find out each leather used in the shoes.
Apply Oil On Faux Leather Shoes
Well, everyone can’t afford expensive leather shoes. You might have to buy faux leather shoes. This material tends to peel off early if there is less care. It happens because the material can’t tolerate the tension while the user is walking with the shoes. In such cases, apply a few drops of shoe oil each month. The oil on the top helps to increase its tolerance to tension while walking.
Keep the Shoes Clean and Polish Them
Too much dust on the shoes can cause damage to the leather on the top. Especially, inside creased areas, dust starts storing. As a result, after a few days, the area starts getting damaged. The end result is peeling off the leather. A good shoe polish can save the top. The first rule is keeping the shoe top clean and then all is the shoes each week. Use organic shoe color every month to avoid peeling off the leather.
Avoid Direct Sunlight and Water
Though manufacturers may not include the guideline about direct sunlight, you should be careful yourself. Leather is sensitive to direct sunlight and heat. When you are going outside with your dress shoes, make sure that you are keeping the shoes protected from direct sunlight. Following the rule will surely increase the longevity of the shoes. At the same time, you should avoid water and any wet condition with dress shoes are leather shoes. Water can cause serious damage to the shoes and leather starts peeling off.
Don’t Apply Abrasive Shoe Brushes
People often use abrasive shoe brushes to remove dust from shoes. But the fact is, it gradually weakens the shoe top. You won’t notice any changes in the first few months. After that slight changes will happen. The leather will become weaker and may peel off easily. So, stop using such kinds of shoe brushes. Alternatively use soft shoe brushes for cleaning purposes.
Attach the Peeled Off Part with Glue
If the shoes are too old, no matter how much you care, they will start peeling in some areas. But to prevent the worst, attach the peeled part immediately with a good quality shoe-friendly glue. It will prevent further damage.
Frequently Asked Questions
How to fix peeling leather shoes?
First of all, once a part has peeled off, you can’t restore it to the natural look. But you can at least give it a better look. For this, attach the remaining part of the leather and then polish the area very well with a good quality shoe polish. Don’t polish the area too harshly to avoid further damage.
How to stop shoes from peeling on the inside?
Sometimes the shoes start peeling on the inside. Though it is not a big issue in terms of the outlook, still it is an issue. Try to attach the peeled-off part with glue. Or, if nothing is remaining to attach, you may add thin denim in the area.
Does genuine leather peel?
Yes, they peel off but after a long time of heavy usages. If the shoes are under very good circumstances, they won’t peel for years.
How to moisturize leather to prevent peel?
Always apply high-quality conditioner to your dress shoes or any genuine leather-constructed shoes. It stops peeling and prevents creasing on shoes.
Final Words
If you follow each of the instructions carefully, you won’t have to search again for how to prevent shoes from peeling. Also, if the shoes are already peeling off from the top, start taking proper care to give the shoes a bit of extra life. Always try to rely only on genuine and high-quality shoe polishes, oils, and conditioners.
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